

Organizational Growth – The Dream Circle

  • Environmental Circle Of Safety

Safety is an experience that can be difficult to describe. When an opportunity to interact in a safe environment is provided, lessons learned and results produced can be worth their weight in gold. The first station of the Dream Circle is an experiential model that administers a dynamic exercise revealing the benefits and advantages of operating in safety while in a community setting.

  • Facilitation Of Trust & Cooperation

Trust is an emotion. As an emotion, it cannot be commanded to appear as an organizational adhesive. Through CCI’s experiential model named FTC participants are introduced to principles of relationship building which are quantified through trust building activities. As the benefits of the team building endeavors are revealed, an awareness of interpersonal reliance is constructed, ultimately cultivating connections, culminating in the development and momentum building mentality of cooperation.

  • Organizational Change Through Consensus

In order for an organization to develop and inspire change, they must be united towards a common goal. The shared desire to solve complex problems, driven by a change oriented organization, will consistently produce new tangible solutions to overcome obstacles that confront the community.  The greatest commodity to successfully move an organization through a process of change is courage. Courage is not an absence of fear but rather the determination and dedication with knowledge and wisdom for effective change.  The CCI staff has developed what we endearingly call the OCC to prepare leadership teams to navigate organizations to their ultimate goal and destination.


Leadership – Development – Mentoring Platforms

Great leaders mature one step at a time.  Anyone who has demonstrated an aptitude for leadership will benefit from completing a process to enhance their development. CCI’s Mentoring Platforms provide nonjudgmental courses that inspire each individual to learn from their successes as well as mistakes.
The goal therefore, is to provide an environment to inspire the expansion of each individual’s leadership ability regardless of their position and/or experience.

  • Discover – Relationship Building

The Discover’s Platform is a journey designed to navigate individuals through the early stages of leadership development.  

In this exploration, the foundations of understanding the process of discovering purpose and leadership skills are introduced.

This process inspires each participant to engage in building dynamic community based relationships utilizing the principles and applications learned from B&DC’s F’s Power Braid, ultimately motivating each mentee to generate surges of momentum and productivity.

D – Discover/Why
 I  – Integrity – Authenticity
 S – Shifting Sands – Adaptability creating stability
 C – Competence – Self-Discipline goal setting/reaching
 O – Others – Service component of your purpose
 V – Vision
 E – Ethical – Lining up beyond rules and regulations
 R – Reliability – Experience of others in team structures

  • Develop – Creating mentors of mentors

The Developer’s Platform is designed to move leaders who have demonstrated the interest, passion and/or aptitude to become a mentor of mentors.  This exploration introduces and provides experiences to incorporate information and tools that facilitate and inspire the ability to identify, engage and develop potential leaders with a mentality to serve.


 S – Significance of seeing what’s coming

 E – Engage & develop others 

 R – Regularly refresh the process

 V – Validation or relationships then results 

 E – Exemplify in authenticity your statements of validation


  • Deliver – Constructing totems of continuation

The Deliver Platform is a specialized journey designed to assist individuals through one of the rarest seasons of leadership development to approach and/or navigate. In this exploration, the mentor inspires the mentee to grapple with a curriculum designed to enhance the courage required to develop and deliver an environment and legacy constructed to facilitate an atmosphere of organizational continuation.


 D – Demonstrator of continued excellence

 E – Enterpriser of entrusted opportunities 

 L – Love unconditionally

  I – Invest in the 2nd generation of your influence

 V – Vivacious capacity to view and prepare vistas

 E – Explorer for infinite generational growth/development 
 R – Replication celebrator

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